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The Student News Site of St. Louis High School

Shark Scene

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The Student News Site of St. Louis High School

Shark Scene

The Student News Site of St. Louis High School

Shark Scene

Diamond Neph chills in his yard, enjoying the warm summer day

Diamond Neph, Editor

Diamond Neph is a senior, and his interests and hobbies include: video production and creative writing. Diamond would hope his friends would say that he is a fun-loving smart-alek. He would say his biggest fear is going through life and not making an impact.  His goals for the future include working for a major broadcasting company/work for a major film studio. He is very passionate about humor and language. Whether that takes the form of writing creative/funny skits, or studying a foreign language, it truly fascinates him.

All content by Diamond Neph
Farewell Shark Scene

[Photo] Farewell Shark Scene

Senior Class, Staff Members
May 21, 2019
Student buys a candy cane from the bucket in a classroom.

[Photo] Candy cane committee

Lily Hindenlang, Staff Writer
December 17, 2018

Eminem responds to MGK

Diamond Neph, Editor
September 27, 2018
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