How old is too old to go trick-or-treating?
Lauren Sherwood is dismayed at the sight of her empty bucket
October 4, 2018
Halloween is a holiday that kids look forward to every year. They love dressing up and finding the best costume that represents what they like and are interested in. They love the parties and hanging out with friends. Most importantly to them, however, is the candy. Getting a huge haul of all the best treats is every kid’s Halloween dream. Yet, children grow up, and holidays stop holding their special magic. Or do they? How old is too old to dress up and go trick-or-treating?
Usually, holiday parties and parades stop being a classroom staple in middle school. Once you reach sixth grade, you normally don’t lug your costume to school or bring in snacks for the class party on Halloween. Does that mean kids don’t go trick-or-treating after that? No, many young teenagers still hunt for a costume and trudge through the town collecting candy; older teenagers do as well. At what age is the limit crossed?
“No age is too old to go trick-or-treating,” Kendal Bott commented. “You’re never too old to have fun. Plus, it’s free candy!”
Jaycup Smith agreed, saying, “I don’t feel like you can be too old to go trick-or-treating. I think you can be any age. It’s a holiday, and it’s something fun to do. It’s cool to dress up as your favorite character.”
Personally, I don’t think it’s inherently wrong for older teens to go trick-or-treating. They aren’t harming anybody, and they’re just trying to have fun. On the other hand, those kids who just show up in regular clothes and a sour expression begging for anything free ruin the fun for everybody else. I don’t really think there’s an age limit for Halloween, as long as you’re having fun and not ruining the festivities for everybody else.