BPA takes a trip to Texas for their national competition!

Courtesy Photo

This photo highlights the students who had attended BPA nationals.

Autumn Mann, Editor

Recently at Saint Louis High School, Business Professionals of America traveled to Dallas Texas for nationals, May 4th through the 8th. Those who attended had stayed at the Hilton Anatole in Dallas, Tx. 

Several of SLHS’ BPA competitors placed very well. These students were Curtis Brashaw in 10th place for human resources, Marlena Pestrue 5th for administrative support research, and Lillie Shatthuck in 7th for basic office systems. 

Mrs. Biehl, BPA Advisor,  expressed, “My favorite part of the competition was watching all the kids compete in a new environment while still having a great time.” Mrs. Biehl added some things could have gone differently and more students could have qualified and placed in the top ten, but she certainly wasn’t disappointed. 

Throughout the trip and in between competing, everyone was able to enjoy themselves and have a lot of fun. During some of their free time, many were allowed to swim, visit the museum in the hotel, and even visit the Dallas Art District. Mrs. Biehl also stated, “One of the best parts outside of competing was being able to get to know the students even better.”

Brashaw had a blast on this trip, and expressed, “I made so many friends in a span of a few days. I had so many Instagram friends. Not only that, I also met a lot of people with similar interests to mine and some charming national officers who I may or may not be interested in.” Brashaw had some of the best moments of his life during this trip, and it was refreshing for him to get away for a little bit. He was glad to meet many new friends and he can’t wait for next year. The one thing he will take away from this trip is, “to make new memories when you can and don’t be afraid to try new things– especially when you don’t know the people around you.” What Brashaw is trying to say is don’t be afraid to get out there in the world and meet new people. He also highly recommends people to join BPA, because it’s challenging and creates great experiences.