Virtual students switch to E2020 classes

Courtesy Photo

Eddie Memije-Ramirez works on his new E2020 classwork.

Tyson Head, Staff Writer

Saint Louis High School students recently discovered they would switch to the E2020 schooling service Jan. 25, 2021. E2020 is a premium online service that is beginning to be used across the country.

E2020 has been helping virtual students for many years but has obviously been used more due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic of 2020 to present day. E2020 was created by the company known as Edgenuity, which has been at service to virtual learners since 1998.

According to Eduardo Memije- Ramirez, “I know E2020 was used to help students who were failing classes.” Ramirez continued, “Basically, I know it helps students.” Ramirez is an SLHS student who is staying online for E2020. Ramirez has been doing online schooling since the beginning of the school year.

The teachers received this news relatively abruptly as well. According to Andrea Biehl, “[The] first semester was incredibly overwhelming to manage with both full time virtual and full-time face-to-face students. As much as I don’t want students to have to use E2020, as a teacher I need help and this program can offer it.” Biehl continued, “Though there is no way the E2020 system could replace what happens here in the classroom.” It seems the teachers at SLHS are keen to get students in the classroom at all costs.

All in all, is it a good idea to make such a large change to the system this far in the year? One can only find out in due time. However, it does seem a large scale change to the school system would cause unforeseen complications and oddities.