SLHS hosts dodgeball tournament

Jaszmin Harbor, Staff Writer

The games have begun, but St.louis High School has put a twist on homecoming. Instead of powderpuff, SLHS planned a dodgebelle game between the girls of the student body. 

The change from powderpuff to dodgebelle happened in 2019 due to the terrible weather. Many students were disappointed but ended up enjoying the dodgebelle game instead of powderpuff. Since there is a global pandemic, SLHS Students are keeping the game going this year.

According to Jacie Burnham, “I have so much faith in the sophomores. I believe that we will end up winning against the freshmen, but it will be a struggle against the juniors and seniors. I really want us to take the win against the rest of the classes, but the seniors will probably dominate.”

Many of the students at SLHS are excited for the tournament Thursday. Helana Garza states, “I am going to the tournament, but I’m not going to be playing. If my sophomore class wins, I will be very surprised and happy at the same time. Even if we don’t win, it’s nice that we participated, and are allowed to even play dodgeball.”

In order to participate, there has to be at least 10 girls. In order to be in the stands students have to be invited by one of the players. The amount of people a player can invite is two. The only way for a player to have more is if there are any invites left.

According to Ka’Trina Harbor, “I am not playing because I am not a good thrower. I don’t think that my class will end up winning, but I think that they will put up a good fight. I think the juniors are going to end up winning because they have more people participating in the game. I am glad that we will be able to play dodgeball this year because it is always fun watching your grade against other players. I am glad that COVID isn’t stopping us.”