This is a look behind the scenes at Journalism and Yearbook here at St. Louis High School, as there are so many outsiders who might not know about the two groups.
Jake Elsea is a member of the journalism group and he had some very interesting things to say. He said, “I am loving Journalism so far. It keeps me writing with a reason without having to worry about going off topic for it. Research also helps with it all, helping me understand sourcing better.” Currently, Jake is working on students’ opinions about college for the class. He previously wrote about the Dungeons and Dragons club. “I am looking forward to writing more and improving my skills as a writer. I hope to write better by the end of the year and to have at least 30 articles written and published,” Elsea continued.
Noah Bobzien is also a member of the Journalism class. He stated, “It is fun, but it is a lot of hard work. I constantly find myself in writer’s block, but other than that, it is quite fun.” Bobzien’s last article was on password problems and currently, he is working on a football article. Bobzien added, “I am looking forward to being able to enhance my writing, as writing is not my strong suit.” By the end of the year, Bobzien wants to be able to write articles quicker. He says that he tends to be a slow writer and that he is excited to see how much progress he will make.
Devanz Svelti-Cruz is a member of the yearbook class. He said, “So far I find myself enjoying the events and taking photographs of everyone having a good time.” Devanz is working on taking better photographs for the yearbook, and what he wants to work on in the future is to further improve his photography skills. He is looking forward to seeing the result of all his and his classmates’ work being put into the yearbook. “I hope to be done with all my work on time in yearbook,” he added.
Remington Snyder is another new member of the yearbook class who likes the class so far. They haven’t been able to start actually working on the yearbook quite yet, but taking pictures has been fun. “We have been working on a lot of things so far. Right now we started working on the program and finally got enough pictures to start drafting. By next week, we should be able to start working on spreads for the fall,” he said. The thing that Snyder is looking forward to the most is taking the pictures. He has signed up for a bunch of football games, as well as a couple of volleyball tournaments. He said that he is not a big fan of creating the draft for the yearbook, but he would gladly take pictures. Snyder stated, “By the end of the year, I hope to have a final draft of the yearbook and send it, because if we don’t we have to come in after school ends and that doesn’t sound very fun.”