The use of deodorant probably shouldn’t need a debate. However, many people seem to think differently.
Today, many students have turned to more natural alternatives. One new thing many people have been discussing is the use of crystal deodorant, which is essentially just mineral salts. Another natural remedy is Native. Neither, however, are a proper alternative for deodorant. A better choice would be either gel or powder deodorant since those have been proven to actually block sweat glands and, therefore, block odor.
While some people are using those alternatives, others simply think they don’t need deodorant at all. At a certain age, however, everyone starts to have body odor, meaning everyone at some point needs to start using deodorant. Not only is it unhygienic for you, it’s insensitive to the people around you. Junior Sophia Miller stated, “I think it’s both gross and inconsiderate because we have to smell that too.”
A reason why someone might not wear deodorant could be that many well-known brands contain aluminum. When used in deodorant, aluminum can not only leave you with potential skin irritation but also has been hypothesized to be linked to health issues like breast cancer and Alzheimer’s. Yet that’s not even a justified reason because there are plenty of brands that make aluminum-free deodorant.
If not because of aluminum, maybe you’re just immune to your own smell. Some people think that because they don’t sweat, they don’t stink. However, that’s not true, and just because you can’t smell yourself, doesn’t mean others don’t.