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The Student News Site of St. Louis High School

Shark Scene

The Student News Site of St. Louis High School

Shark Scene

The Student News Site of St. Louis High School

Shark Scene

Kalen Lipka

Kalen Lipka, Staff Writer

Kalen Lipka is currently a senior at St. Louis High School, as well as a staff writer for Shark Scene. Lipka has been in attendance at St. Louis Public Schools his entire life, and during his time here he has participated in a variety of sports and extracurricular activities year round. Lipka is also a member of the St.Louis Powerlifting club, and he eats and breathes anything related to physical fitness. This is Lipka’s first, and unfortunately last, year as a staff writer for Shark Scene. Outside of school, he enjoys spending time with his family either out on the lake or in the gym. After Highschool, he plans on continuing to train to be an MMA fighter while getting a teaching degree at Ferris State University.

All content by Kalen Lipka
Sophomore Hayden Shattuck warms up with a deadlift before practice.

Spring Sports Sneak Peek

Kalen Lipka, Staff Writer
April 1, 2024
It's important to make sure students know what's happening in their community, so teacher Scott Nehmer makes sure to include it in his curriculum!

The Civic Duty of an SLHS Student

Kalen Lipka, Staff Writer
October 25, 2023
Ready for the play, the St. Louis Sharks get into position.

St. Louis Football Comes To a Close

Kalen Lipka, Staff Writer
October 23, 2023
The 2023 Homecoming Court gets together to take a photo!

Senior Homecoming Court Announced

Kalen Lipka, Staff Writer
October 3, 2023
The St. Louis Sharks group up and discuss their plan to win the game.

Sharks Football Kicks into Gear

Kalen Lipka, Staff Writer
September 6, 2023
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