SharkScene Staff writes to Santa

SharkScene Staff laugh together as they pose for a Christmas photo.
December 21, 2022
Dear Big Jolly Man,
Jingle bells are ringing and snow is not falling. The big question that remains is am I on the nice or naughty list? I guess it really doesn’t matter. I hope we are on good terms. So what do I want for Christmas? Well Santa, I want some slime. Yes, slime. Any slime is fine EXCEPT for the really stretchy stuff that’s not soft and just no. Some nice fluffy or crunchy slime would be nice. However, I’m not picky. Another thing I would like is books. I love reading, so any type of book is fine. I really like the classics along with the fantasy. I guess another thing I’d appreciate is some money because this future student debt isn’t going to pay itself. That is pretty much it. I hope you have safe travels this Christmas Eve. Along with Mrs. Claus and the reindeer are well.
Take care Santa, Autumn Mann
Dear Santa,
All I want for Christmas this year is baking supplies. I would appreciate all kinds of sprinkle to top my cupcakes. As well as festive and colorful cupcake liners. Another thing I would like this Christmas is gum. I would really like any gum brand as long as it is mint flavor. The final gift I would like to get this year is candy canes of any flavor.
Best Wishes, Jaiden Dickman
Dear Saint Nicholas,
This year I wish for one thing and one thing only. My ultimate plan should finally be realized, and I will reign supreme over all dimensions that feel my cold, wicked touch. It’s been many winters since I’ve witnessed my destiny, placing my hand upon that large and pulsating rock, waiting and waiting. My retribution is once at hand; the world will finally face my true form in all its horrifying glory. A new phone would be nice as well.
- Tyson David Head
Dear Santa,
This year for Christmas I would like some journaling supplies. I would really love a guided journal and some new pens because my other ones are dying. I would also like a massage gun for when my legs are dead from running. I would also really like some gas cards because gas is expensive. The final thing I want for Christmas is some snow so it can look pretty. I hope the elfs and everyone at the North Pole is doing well and in the Christmas spirit.
Sincerely, Natalie Lemert
Dear Santa Claus,
All I want for Christmas is Tyson to calm down and not take over the world. It would be appreciated and I would love to not be ruled by him. I hope everyone has a safe and healthy Christmas break, and we all get ready for semester exams when we come back. Also I wouldn’t mind some ducks and crystals, that would be exciting if you have any crystals from the North Pole. Thank you. Oh and, leave some cookies out for me okay? Don’t hog them all this year.
Sincerely, Bee
Dear Santa,
This year, I would like more fuzzy pajama pants for Christmas. I love to be able to go to sleep every night in fuzzy pants to keep me warm. I would also like anything Harry Potter related. I love all of the books and the movies. My house is Gryffindor if you were wondering. Most of all, I would like everyone to have a happy and safe holiday season. I think that is the most important thing of all.
Best wishes and happy holidays Liv
Dear Santa,
I don’t usually ask for a lot, and I won’t again this year. All I ask is for a good upcoming 2023 and continuing health for my friends and family.
P.s., some new clothes would be nice as well.
Sincerely, Maria Trevino