SLHS students take on Dual Enrollment classes
These students work hard as they begin to do their Dual enrollment homework.
September 12, 2022
Dual Enrollment has been a big thing at Saint Louis High School for quite some time. Many students have taken advantage of getting college credits while still in high school. All Saint Louis dual enrollment students go through Mid Michigan Community College.
Students can take just about any class they want or need to. Mid is easy to work with and flexible. Students can take up to 10 dual enrollment credits throughout their high school career. This is a great opportunity to get a head start on college for free. Saint Louis High School pays for the class as long as the student passes. If students fail they are responsible for paying the school back. Many students have differing opinions on dual.
Junior Natalee Hoyt is taking a dual enrollment class this year, said, “Dual enrollment is a great opportunity to take advantage of. I am glad I chose to take some college courses before I attend college as a full-time student. I also like how the classes are challenging; however, they aren’t too hard to where it would hurt your GPA.”
Junior Ben March is currently enrolled in two dual enrollment classes. Ben stated, “ Dual enrollment is a great opportunity for kids in high school to grow their college-level abilities. It is also a much cheaper option.”
Overall, Dual Enrollment is a great opportunity for students. They can get a head start on the college curriculum and not have to pay a dime.