Homecoming nominees: who’s on court
Kiersten Francisco and Spencer Sherwood stand side-by-side
September 12, 2018
St. Louis High School students were nominated for homecoming court Friday, Sept. 7, in order for their peers to later vote for the final 2018-19 homecoming representatives.
Freshmen that were nominated are: Aaron Bowerman, Ignatius Jackson, Spencer Sherwood, Mikenna Borie, Kiersten Francisco, and Elizabeth Munderloh.
Sophomore nominees include: Keegan Honig, Logan Koutz, Avante Taylor, Chloe Baxter, Jennifer Brown, and Macie Salladay.
The juniors are: Sam Bebow, Jordan Lowe, Mateo Nava, Shelby Dosson, Allyse March, and Gracie Pueschner.
Finally, the seniors voted onto court are as follows: Jacob Brown, Brian Conn, Ryan Downs, Michael Heiden, Cameron Mizer, Liam Morrow, Brooklyn Filipiak, Tara Goodell, Aynslee Koutz, Taryn Mroczek, and Allison Taipalus.
“I feel honored that my class chose me for this,” Francisco said. “It’s a really good opportunity for me.”
Goodell commented, “Being nominated is a great feeling for me. I am really touched that my class thinks I am a good representative of our school and our class.”
Final voting for who will be on court took place Thursday, Sept. 13. See Shark Scene follow up articles for results.