Fahrenheit 451: More Than Just an Assignment
This pictures shows off the book Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury.
March 10, 2022
Mrs. Reeves’ English classes are enjoying their new book Fahrenheit 451 written by Ray Bradbury.
The book is set in a futuristic dystopian America where life is drastically different. People are overstimulated 24 hours a day and technology is very advanced. In this society, books no longer exist. People don’t think about anything important or have actual conversations. They rely on T.V. programs “relatives” for entertainment. Everyone seems to be aware of the problems around them except for the main character, a fireman named Montag. His job isn’t exactly what you think. His job is to burn books.
Montag used to be just like everyone else, in a coma-like state, unaware of the issues around him, and how messed up society is. That all changed when he met a little girl Clarrisse who juxtaposed everything he has ever known. She was curious and asked questions. She wasn’t just living, but she wanted to have a purpose. Her curiosity spread to Montag, especially when she disappeared. Montag’s story unravels as he tries to find answers to his questions.
Peyton Allen likes this book, and she said, “I am really enjoying the book! I like how it can make you think and relate to things that are actually happening in today’s society. Even though it is a class assignment, I would definitely read it on my own time since it is such a great book. My favorite quote from the book would be, “We need to be really bothered once in a while. How long is it since you were really bothered? About something important, something real?” I enjoy class discussions because it gives us a chance to express our feelings and thoughts on what’s going on in the book.”
The high school has gained a new student teacher in Mrs. Reeves’ classroom: Jessica Haller, and she has been able to take the lead on this book and teach the class. She leads discussions and helps students. She commented, “ I have really enjoyed leading class discussions for Fahrenheit 451. It’s obviously a learning experience for me as I prepare to have a classroom of my own soon, but it’s also a learning experience for the students. They have done a great job participating in class discussions and being insightful about the book. I think they’ve really been enjoying it, too!
Senior Abigail Francisco appreciates the change in topic. This book centers around book censorship and the importance of literacy. She said, “It’s a fun new book. It’s not something we’ve learned in school the last four years. It’s been refreshing learning something completely new. I’m pretty sure everyone likes it. I can see that the class is more engaged with this book, and I really enjoy it.”
Students have really enjoyed reading this book, and have even read ahead because of their investment in the book. It is refreshing to see students engaged in schoolwork. Honors English 12 student Adriana Munoz said, “I read ahead of the book because I felt the book was too interesting and there were too many unanswered questions. I couldn’t hold back because it was just too intense with the events going on in the book.”
The writing of Fahrenheit 451 is definitely on another level. The stylistic choices and imagery causes suspense and makes the reader have a tight hold on the book, wanting more. Miss Haller commented, “My favorite part of the book is the language that Bradbury uses while writing; it is so detailed that it brings a deeper meaning and understanding to the book. The overall plot of the book is just so fascinating as well. It’s also very relevant to today’s society because of the technology that was predicted in the book, and the aspect of how technology can affect people’s everyday lives. Fahrenheit 451 really makes readers think about how the world might actually be if books became illegal.”
Overall, it’s a really great book, students should read it if they don’t get the opportunity to in your English classes.