The new St. Louis Spanish teacher: Meghan Phelps
September 10, 2018
St. Louis High School has hired a new Spanish teacher, and her name is Meghan Phelps. Mrs. Phelps grew up in Lansing and Brighton, Michigan before attending Miami University of Ohio. She earned her Bachelor’s degree and went to work at J.D. Powers and Associates in Marketing Research for seven years. She then went back to school for her teaching certification at Saginaw Valley State University.
After, Phelps started searching for a teaching position and found St. Louis. She stated, “I heard of the position opening, and when I came to interview, I really liked the administration here, and everything they told me about the community and the students sounded perfect. I also liked that St. Louis has a great Spanish club with a travel program.” This is Phelps’ first year at St. Louis, so she is still getting to know the staff and students. Jenny Brown said, “I think that once Mrs. Phelps learns everyone’s personality, she will adjust and really connect with the students.”
Phelps started to learn Spanish when she traveled to Honduras several years ago. She remembers the trip with great fondness, and she even said, “My heart is in Honduras. Probably because I lived there for awhile and stayed with a local family.” Phelps says that she has always been interested in Hispanic culture, so a position as a Spanish teacher seems to be a great fit for her. Phelps enjoys reading, traveling, and playing tennis. She loves to travel and has not traveled only to Honduras. She said, “One of the coolest places for me was visiting La Alhambra palace in Spain.”
Phelps is a Michigan State fan, especially for basketball. She admits that she loves March Madness, but she doesn’t follow any professional sports. Mrs. Phelps is married, and she has a six-year-old daughter named Macy, who is starting first grade this school year.
Phelps arrived after the departure of St. Louis’ previous Spanish teacher Mrs. Cole, but she is fitting in quickly and feels comfortable with the material she will be teaching. Logan Abell shared, “I think, so far, she’s slowly getting comfortable with the Spanish classroom, and she is adjusting daily.”