Sharks Wrestling Takes Third at Flushing Tournament
The Shark’s Nate March racks up back points against an opposing Flushing wrestler.
January 24, 2022
The Sharks took third at the Flushing Team Dual Tournament Saturday, Jan. 15.
This invite is the largest dual tournament the Sharks have had all season. A total of 13 teams and surprisingly only six hours of wrestling. As well as this meet went for the Sharks, it wasn’t even on their radar until Jan. 13. Originally, the team planned on participating in the Alma Duals. However, due to an isolated covid outbreak within the Alma wrestling team, the tournament was canceled and later replaced with the tournament in Flushing.
Coach Kevin Kuhn explained his frustration with the situation, “I spent the whole drive to Millington talking to other coaches exhausting all my wrestling contacts to try and fill the hole in the schedule when I should have been focusing on the meet.” This is one of those stressful things that truly shows a coach’s dedication to the team.
The Sharks went 4-1, only losing to Flushing with a close score of 41-33. This, was quite impressive considering that they wrestled all division one or two schools. This wasn’t just a team accomplishment. Genaro Soto stated, “I learned it’s all about the perspective you have. I feel like as a team we were not as focused nor were we ready, but we kept on wrestling after our first loss and eventually got through the day. Personally, this experience has shown me that we must keep going no matter what happens and always look up.”
The rest of the duals went as follows: wins over Detroit Henry Ford 57-19, Bay City Western 61-15, Flint Powers Catholic 84-0, and Parma Western 37-33. Going 5-0 at this tournament were none other than Nate March, Colin Kuhn, and Martine Wiggins. The Sharks wrestle again Jan. 26 in Ithaca.