Magic The Gathering Begins in SLHS
Magic The Gathering team gathers for first meet.
November 29, 2021
Ever been interested in Magic? Magic the Gathering club held their very first meeting Nov. 12, 2021! Magic the Gathering is a collectible strategy card game developed by Wizards of the Coast. The game has two ways to play: you can play with a Standard deck, which has 60 cards, or you can play Commander, which has 100 cards plus a commander.
A council has been established to regulate meeting times and places. Junior Cristian Waltz is the president, senior Demetrius Alspaugh is vice president, junior Brook Elsea and sophomore Ash Neaman as secretaries, and Brighton Buchanan and Korah Honig as treasurerers. Because there has only been one meeting so far, the people in the club are subject to change.
“I’m looking forward to watching the group I created grow in number and get along. I feel nervous about being president, but proud to be a part of the group! It’s amazing having something you love in school,” Waltz said. “If someone would like to join, we are interested in letting people in! We just make sure that no one has a problem with anyone else. We like to play our Magic and have a good time overall.”
“I’m excited to be a part of the council, even though I don’t know how to play. This is a good chance for me to get into it and learn it,” Honig said.
“I am looking forward to teaching new people how to play Magic. As Vice President, I am in charge of events so I am happy to say that we should be going to places and participating in things that will help new players and make veteran players even better,” Alspaugh said. “Being Vice President is awesome as I have a strong interest in Magic and being responsible is a good combo.”
“I am really looking forward to making new friends and having a good time with any and everyone who joins. I’m also looking forward to learning new things.” Said Neaman. “I will admit, I am a little nervous about being secretary. I was secretary at my old school’s student council, so I think I can manage.”
“I told students about my interest in playing Magic the Gathering when I introduced myself and students approached me asking me to supervise a club at the school.” Said Ms. Schutt, “I am excited to get back into playing Magic, learning more about Commander decks and getting more involved in Magic myself. I used to play a lot about 12 years ago. I got busy with life and haven’t played much recently. I still have interest and just basic knowledge and standard (amateur) decks. I hope to get better myself and learn more from all the students than they do from me. This really is a student-led club.”
Most students have shown excitement for how this club will turn out, and the council is ready to have fun and get into it. If anyone is interested in learning or playing Magic the Gathering, the group has stated they are always welcoming new members. If you are looking to participate, the meetings are currently held in Ms. Schutt’s room after school on Friday’s from three-five. For more information about the game itself, you can visit Next Level Espresso in Alma. For more information about the club, you can ask Ms. Schutt in her room (Room 111).