St. Louis agriculture students take part in raising baby chickens
A SLHS student takes care of one of her baby chicks for Mr. Bernia’s class.
October 19, 2021
Mr. Bernia, St.louis High School Animal Science teacher, has chickens for his Animal Science class; he received them about two weeks ago, from Townline Hatchery, which is in Zeeland Michigan.
“They, his students, compete with other schools from across the state,” Stated Mr. Bernia. Students who take Mr. Burnia’s animal science class will pick their top five chickens to compete with other chickens across the state. In early November, they will all go to the Michigan Broiler Contest. On the other hand, the chickens that don’t make the cut, will be taken to get processed.
There will be a sale of the chickens starting October 25, 2021. The cost of one grid is $15. These birds will weigh about seven to eight pounds. To purchase one of the SLHS chickens, contact Mr. Bernia at 989 – 681 – 2510 or [email protected] .
Mr. Bernia started out with 140 chickens, he now has 135. This means the other five chickens died. One died from a broken leg and the others died over the weekend. Tekoha Henry said, “They might haven’t been ready to be moved.”
Within 17 days, students have fed the chickens almost 300 pounds of feed. They have just ordered exactly 750 pounds more. “It is amazing how much our chickens have grown,” said Branden Dill.
Even though it is cool and cute to have chickens here at St. Louis High School, there are some downfalls. Freshman Lauran Devine said, “ They reek and I can’t wait to take them to get slaughtered.” Even though she said this she still helps to take care of them. She is willing to put the stick behind her and move forward with the chickens.