St.Louis JV volleyball team won against their rivals Ithaca Sept. 29th!
St. Louis Junior Varsity Volleyball team celebrates their big win against Ithaca.
October 6, 2021
The St. Louis junior varsity volleyball team competed against rival Ithaca Wednesday, Sept. 29. The team won in an intense three sets.
The team started out losing the first set and then coming back to win the second. The girls won the third and final set 15-13, narrowly knocking out the Yellowjackets for the win.
Sophomore Lauren Gager stated, “During the last set I was nervous, but I was confident that we were going to pull out the win. Ithaca is our biggest rival and I was really determined to beat them, even though it was going to be tough. “
Gager added, “The win definitely will help in future games because we proved that if we don’t get off to a good start, we can regroup as a team to pull out a win, which is probably one of the most important parts of having a successful team. We didn’t give up easily and let Ithaca have the win. I think Ithaca being our rival helped us to keep playing to our best.”
Ithaca has been a rival to St. Louis for a long time. This game definitely pulled the team together in many different ways as there was a little bit more pressure for them to win.
Sophomore Josie Schrot had a great game. She stated, “It felt good to beat our rival school because who doesn’t love to beat Ithaca. I think that win helped us by giving us confidence by losing the first set and coming back to win the second set.”
The Sharks next compete Wednesday, Oct. 6. against Bullock Creek.