Matcha: Fall favorite or flop?
September 20, 2021
Fall is upon us at St. Louis High School and the students’ favorite fall foods are in! Besides Halloween candy and pumpkin spice is a lesser known beverage: matcha. Some students consider matcha their fall favorite. However, not all students agree on the unique flavor it has. Matcha is finely ground, processed tea leaves that are light green in color. Although it is low in caffeine, it has the ability to thoroughly energize its consumer. Matcha is also enjoyed in latte form with various types of milk. To top it off, it has several benefits for your skin!
“I like matcha, and I’m excited for it to make a comeback this season!” says freshman Michael Mitchell.
Junior Grant Bebow says he really likes the flavor, but claims that it looks like it comes from his lawn. Senior Sam Burt entirely disagrees with this. She claims the drink tastes gross, but makes up for it in its visual appeal.
“At least it’s pretty!” says Burt. “It’s very aesthetic, but tastes like seaweed,” she adds.
“My favorite matcha beverage is boba matcha tea,” says junior Michael Hart, who has recently tried matcha for the first time.
Yet, some students, such as sophomore Jaycee Best, see no appeal in matcha whatsoever.
“I don’t like matcha at all,” admits Best. Other students like junior Abigail Conn can’t get enough of the green tea treat!
“I love matcha!” says Conn. “I tend to find myself ordering matcha drinks and sweets often when I go out to cafes or restaurants,” she adds. “Matcha is very beneficial to our health, and I think more people should try matcha if they haven’t!”
Some students are simply too afraid to try the oddly colored drink.
“I don’t really like tea,” says junior Colton Markwell, who fears he will not like matcha if he ever does try it.
The debate over matcha continues at SLHS, with no definite answer as to whether it is a fall favorite or a flop! Some students agree that the flavor and appearance takes the cake, while many see no reason to take a sip.