St. Louis High welcomes back Mr. Miller with opened arms!

Maria Puga-Trevino

Mr. Miller sits down with a student to help them on their work!

Lilly Spencer, Writer

Mr. Miller returns to St. Louis High School for the 2021-2022, from Tampa Florida.

Why did he leave if his intentions were to come back? “Like many people who grew up in a small town, I wanted the big city experience of being immersed in different cultures,” said Mr. Miller. Not only did he want to get out of this small town, but he also had a very ill family member living in Florida, which required him to leave and help them. 

Mr. Miller worked in Tampa, Florida, after leaving SLHS, where he taught three semesters of middle school. Later, he decided to come back to St.Louis in January 2021. The reason he came back was because he found out that he missed teaching kids with similar backgrounds to him. 

“Mr. Miller is helpful and nice,” Colton Terwilliger. He is a support teacher and an English teacher.The one thing he loves the most about SLHS is how the community here is accepting and has strong feelings. Mr.Miller attended SLHS from 2004-2008.