Upperclassmen share high school experiences with future freshmen
SLHS juniors and seniors share wisdom with middle school students.
April 6, 2021
Every year T.S.N Middle School staff member Kevin Fletcher chooses seniors and juniors from St. Louis High School to talk to the eighth graders about what they can expect going into high school. This started not too long ago when the class of 2023 was in eighth grade and was given small meetings with a group of seniors, and some juniors, about questions regarding high school.
The goal of this is to help kids understand what they can expect of being ninth graders. Mr. Fletcher explained how he had the idea with SLHS principal Mr. Huff because he had questions he wished he knew going into a new school. Fletcher added, “I also wished I knew about the clubs available in the school. I want the students to know some tips from the seniors and juniors so they don’t go into it blindly.”
Fletcher picks the seniors by random, sending a few emails if they are interested. Occasionally, sophomores are allowed to come in, but Fletcher tries to keep it to juniors and seniors to add more experience; he enjoys when the kids in clubs such as BPA, FFA, NHS volunteer because they have a lot of experience getting involved with the school choices and changes.
The volunteered seniors and juniors went to the middle school and talked to a few of the eighth graders and answered questions they had March 22. Mr. Fletcher and Mr. Huff were excited about how this year would turn out since last year it was short due to COVID-19 restrictions. Their goal is to inspire and encourage students to branch out in high school, and hopefully, many students will feel calmer about going into the new school.