Bullet journaling helps organize SLHS students
Alexandra Pawlitz starts her year off right with her bullet journal!
January 20, 2021
Have you ever heard of a planner that you are able to customize to your own personality? Bullet journals are the way to go! Bullet journaling started when Ryder Carroll was diagnosed with learning disabilities early in life, and he was forced to figure out alternate ways to be focused and productive.
When buying a bullet journal, people notice that it only comes with blank pages that are covered in dots. These dots, however, are used to create a customized planner with your choice of style and design. Many people also use markers and highlighters to add a pop of color to their journal to make it stand out when shown to others.
Normally these journals are used to write daily checklists and upcoming events you may want to remember, but they can also be used to organize personal goals and thoughts. Some personal goals are hard to keep track of, and writing them down in a bullet journal could potentially make it easier for them to be achieved.
There are many bullet journal templates and ideas that people have done and posted for other people to be inspired by. Youtube is one of the main platforms for journaling ideas since people post videos of their entire bullet journal spread.
Danielle Luft mentioned, “I use Youtube all the time for inspiration, and I’ve taken some ideas from one of my favorite Youtubers! Bullet journaling is so much fun, and I love being able to customize my own planner! I try to keep up with it everyday in order to stay consistent! I highly recommend it to everyone!”
Brooke Barret commented, “I think a bullet journal would keep me more organized with school and life. I think 2021 is the year I’m going to start one. I wanted to start one last year but it was already too late in the year to start one. I’m super excited to start being more organized this year!”
One of the biggest inspirations when it comes to bullet journaling is SLHS alumni, Allyssa Roberson. She has a Youtube channel and posts videos on occasion of her spreads. She talks so highly of bullet journaling. Roberson also has an additional planner aside from the bullet journal, but this is mostly for schoolwork checklists. Since watching her videos, current SLHS Sharks have been inspired to start their own bullet journals.