SLHS switches to virtual learning until December 5, 2020
SLHS student works hard from home.
November 24, 2020
All St. Louis Public Schools switched to remote learning Monday, November 9 for three weeks, due to a COVID-19 outbreak in the school district.
According to Paul Robinson, a sophomore that was already learning virtually, he prefers face-to-face learning. He says, “When I am in school, there is pressure on me to do my work.” He also says, “When I am at home, there is no pressure and I do my work when I want.” He encourages everyone to keep up on their work and try their best. He does not think they are going to go back to school.
According to Jenna Abell, a sophomore that was learning face-to-face, she actually likes remote learning. She thinks this virtual learning is way better than in the spring. She says, “I like only having a few classes a day.” She believes it is easier to discuss assignments over Google meets. She honestly does not think they are going back to school until after New Years.
According to Talan Leonard, a freshman that recently switched to online, he likes virtual learning. He says, “It is easier for me to do a couple classes a day, each day.” He enjoys Google mwith his teachers. He says, “I knew we were going to switch to online because people stopped coming to school and there were barely any teachers.” He does think they will end up back in school