Job life vs. student life
Avante Taylor works at Main Street Pizza.
September 17, 2020
Many students at St. Louis High School not only go to school but also have part-time jobs after school. Some are in the fast-food industry, and some work in restaurants and pizza joints.
Avante Taylor, a senior, works at Main Street Pizza in downtown St. Louis, and he stated, “I do not believe that working is negatively affecting my grades. I believe that working is a good thing to start getting into because it is preparing me for adulthood. In the end, I believe it is worth it. If I didn’t work, I wouldn’t have extra dimes for college or for a car.”
Gracelynne Shattuck, a junior, works at McDonald’s in uptown Alma. She added, “I think working during the school year takes away from my studying time, so yes, that might affect my grades. It’s nice having the extra money, so it’s kind of worth it.”
Not every student has time for a job, but the ones who do, have an extra responsibility. Many students will have had experience in the workforce before they graduate. Whether it’s worth it or not depends on the student.