SLHS staff and students take the opportunity of the break
Sophomore Delaney Hitsman has been watching Netflix to pass the time.
April 20, 2020
As Governor Whitmer orders everyone to stay at home in quarantine until at least April 30, Saint Louis staff and students are taking their time away from school to do things they normally don’t have time for.
Mr. Snoblen says, “I miss all of my students and colleagues very much. I miss seeing everyone all of the time and all of the interactions that I usually would have. My heart hurts for all of the winter athletes that are now wondering what could’ve been and the spring athletes who were just beginning their season. It hurts the most for seniors. What an exciting, memorable time in their life that they are missing out on that reflects all of their hard work and dedication. I haven’t really found anything new as far as hobbies or anything else. I’ve been able to spend a little more time with family. [I’ve] been taking my dogs on more walks than usual just to get out of the house and doing a lot of yard work outside. I’ve been working on developing material for my classes for when we start the distance learning and talking to other math teachers to see what they are doing or trying to get some different ideas. I have had more time to research some Masters Programs to continue my education and look at a few different schools.”
Delaney Hitsman stated, “I’m sad we aren’t returning to school. I really miss my friends and my teachers. I have filled my time with watching Tik Tok and Netflix all day long. I have found a new hobby: I’m learning to play piano.”
Tristin Baker says, “I feel kind of great not returning to school because of the stress level and not always worrying about what needs to be done. I have been working and mostly exercising in my free time.”
Korah Honig states, “I’m really sad about not being able to see all of my friends. I also am bummed because we spent all year learning songs in steel and jazz band, and we never got to perform them. I’ve been working out, watching movies with my family, and I’ve read a lot too.” Honig states that she started learning yoga and even repainted her room.