Students make new year’s resolutions for 2020
Ben Dousuah is hard at work on his resolution to get in the weight room.
January 27, 2020
As we start off the new year, many are trying to make this one of the best years of their lives and to become the best version of themselves. To be able to reach their fullest potential, people create a list of things to improve on which is referred to as a new year’s resolution. A resolution is a promise to yourself to either stop doing something bad or starts to do something good that leads to self-improvement.
Many people are trying to improve their lives. Here are the top ten most popular resolutions people are using to try to improve their lives: sustain a healthier diet, exercise more, try to lose weight, save money, learn a new skill, quit smoking, read more, find another job, drink less alcohol, and spend more time with family and friends.
Before writing down or knowing exactly what your resolutions are, write down your weaknesses. This will help you consider how you need to improve yourself. There are three different weaknesses to consider: academic weakness, your personal health weaknesses, and your social relationships. These are the main weaknesses of students struggle with. Whether it is your social relationships, personal health, or academic weaknesses you do struggle with, find out what you struggle the most with and figure out how you improve on it.
Maria Trevino stated, “I feel as though that all academic, personal health, and social weaknesses are very important. Academic weakness is very important because if you have bad grades or missing assignments, it is always good to keep organized and get things done. Fixing your social weakness can improve many things including having better relationships with your family, friends, etc. Personal health is very important to take care of. That’s why keeping a planner, journal, schedule, and a to-do list can keep you organized.”
One freshman at SLHS, Tyson Head’s, definition of a new year’s resolution is a goal that people make when a new year starts. He believes that the most common new year’s resolution is to eat healthier. Head states, “Academic weakness is the most important because school is currently the most important thing for students, and many are failing the most important classes.” Head doesn’t know many people who have stuck to their resolutions all year.
Another student, Evelynn Gutierrez defines a new year’s resolutions as a way for people to have an opportunity to change for the better or to meet a lifetime goal. Gutierrez has some resolutions of her own. One of her main resolutions is to be more motivated to do her work and stop procrastinating, which Gutierrez knows will be difficult for her. Gutierrez states, “I hope this year will be a year that I can be able to expand my knowledge and have some excitement. For example, I would like to travel or be able to go to more places.” Gutierrez also hopes she can stop getting into her own head and getting ahead of herself. She believes that she has the willpower to stop her habits but knows she will catch herself doing them at moments. Gutierrez also wants to learn a new language. One language she would like to learn is Japanese. The reason why she has chosen these resolutions is based on something she always wanted to do, and it all plays part in her dream. She is going to try hard to stick to her resolutions all year though it may be a struggle for her. She also stated, “I would like to think many would be able to stick to their resolutions. Many people forget or are unmotivated to do them. Some people just don’t have a resolution. I myself can’t really be certain I will be able to do my resolutions this year but will try.”
Trevino added her own definition of a new year’s resolution is something you are dedicated to accomplishing that can make your life flow easier and also is a promising yourself to be dedicated to your goals. Trevino also has shared a resolution with Gutierrez. She hopes she can stop procrastinating on assignments. Trevino knows that she will have the willpower to stop. If Trevino gives up, she knows something has to change within herself. The reason why she has all these resolutions is so she can become healthier and more organized. She plans to stick to all her resolutions by keeping a schedule and a to-do list. She believes that everyone can stick to their resolutions all year but only if they dedicate themselves to it. Trevino states, “I think the most popular New Year’s resolution is students working hard in school and not procrastinating on getting their work done. Another resolution can consist of personal health; a person could also want to get healthier this year and cut out bad habits.”