Intro to Business students compete in Titan Battle
Titan Holo-Generator poster
December 17, 2019
For the last eight years, the Introduction to Business class has participated in a classroom competition called the Titan Battle. Students break into teams of two or three and make decisions on how to operate their business. The team that comes up with the best strategy and runs the most successful business wins. This classroom competition lasted for about four weeks. The top team from each class moved on to the competition at Delta College on December 17th. There were 24 teams from about 10 different schools. The two students who attended Delta College were Cole Acker and Dawson Brundage.
Acker said, “My favorite part was being able to be competitive and skipping school, mostly skipping though…”
Dawson Brundage said, “My favorite part was getting the highest personal score in the class.”
Mrs. Biehl added, “JA Titan challenges students to apply their knowledge of business as they compete online in the highly competitive industry of the fictional Holo-Generator. Students enter decisions about price, production, marketing, capital investment, and research and development. The impact of their decisions will lead to the success or failure of each Holo-Generator company.”