Events hosted by the school could be considered very important to the student experience. Many go to events like dances to experience what everyone says high school and being a teenager is all about. The debate if these are what make or break high school life has been around for some time. Some say that’s what it is all about and others find themselves bored by the events hosted.
The latter feels like high school is more than the events the school hosts and finds solace in other activities. On the other hand, the counterpart loves the time spent bonding with their peers and making memories at the event.
Senior Rebekah Ross is on the side of events not making the high school experience memorable. Ross says, “I do think that attending school events does help make the high school experience, but personally, I don’t go to every single one, and I don’t feel I have missed out on much.” Even with this belief she says, “I think that these events make high school special because once you’re out of high school, you won’t be able to do these things again. Also, these events are usually fun, and it helps bring action to your teenage years.”
Senior Bethany Bowerman says, “I believe the best experiences are dances like homecoming and student sections. Because at a dance you get to express yourself to a song like if you’re really happy you might start boogieing or if you are in love you get to slow dance with your partner. But a good student section is a place where you bond with your peers over hyping up your sports team.” She says her most memorable experience is, “The most memorable experience for me was when Sharky fell down, and if I wasn’t there to watch and experience that (wink wink) then I would not have felt these memories. Yeah, sure it was recorded and people could replay it a million times, but it’s not the same as being in the moment”
Of course, the importance of a school event is subjective. Whatever someone believes one should make high school special in his or her own way.