Students of Saint Louis High School are debating on which company is better, Marvel or DC?
Superheroes have been around for a while. In fact, comic superhero history started in May 1938 when Superman made his first appearance in Action Comics #1. The publication of Superman in 1938 transformed the landscape, inventing a whole new genre of superhero. Since then, there have been two main publishing houses of superhero comics–Marvel and DC. Marvel is well known for its characters like Iron Man, Captain America, and The Hulk, while DC is well known for Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman. Overall, both companies produce excellent media in regards to their content. However, students at SLHS want to know which one is better.
Some students prefer DC like senior Rebekah Ross who stated, “When it comes to characters, I believe DC takes the cake. I mean, Batman and all of his Robins have been my favorite since I switched from Marvel to DC, but when you get into the lesser known characters are also given really in-depth backstories that make them feel like real people. In my opinion, I think I’ll always like DC more than Marvel, but I can see how someone would think the opposite of me. I used to be obsessed with Marvel until I watched Batman with Michael Keaton. With all the characters and story lines, the fandom itself, and the relatableness of some characters, DC will forever be my favorite.”
Others prefer Marvel for their movies. Junior Aidan Sprague stated, “I find DC more relatable because the characters and stories often resonate with me on a deeper level. However, I also enjoy Marvel movies because they have consistently delivered high-quality films that keep me entertained. Sometimes, I feel like DC didn’t put as much effort into their movies, which can be disappointing. Despite this, I appreciate the unique qualities of both universes and enjoy different aspects of each. In the end, I like both of them equally and can’t really choose one over the other.”
In conclusion, students are indecisive. Some like how DC gives their characters more backstory development while others prefer how Marvel makes better movies.