St. Louis High School’s girls’ and boys’ bowling teams competed Saturday, Feb. 15, at Riverwood Lanes in Mt. Pleasant. They both placed eighth in the conference.
The teams bowled six Baker games followed by three Peterson games to get their placement in the conference.
The captain of the girl’s bowling, Gracie Lombard shared, “The match didn’t go as well as we hoped, but we did well and bowled some of our highest Baker games of the season, which is good. Personally, I did okay. I didn’t do as well as I hoped to, but I bowled above my average every Peterson so I can’t complain too much. I’m looking forward to regionals, and I think we can do really well if we bowl to our potential. I’m hoping to bowl above my average every game and PR at individual regionals.”
However, this does not mean all opinions of the conference were negative. Senior Kaydence Heiden shared, “Personally I think the conference went really well. Everyone worked well with each other and was supportive the entire time. I think I could have done better but that’s where practice comes in. It’s all about learning about what you did wrong and how you can improve on that in the next match. Although I didn’t do as well as I had hoped, I knew that it was all about learning from my mistakes and not letting those mistakes get to my head. Of course, all the girls put in their best, and we showed our improvement from previous games and practices and didn’t let our mistakes get the best of us.”
Junior Harley Mader also shared positive opinions, “The match went great despite a few mistakes, and I did well so I was happy with the results.”
Overall, the conference results were not as good as the team had hoped. However, a few bowlers received all-conference awards at the match. Those bowlers include: Harley Mader received honorable mention, Gracie Lombard and Michael Mitchell received second team all-conference, and Thailan Raby and Merick Bartlett received first team all-conference.