Everybody has something that makes them happy, especially in the month of February with Valentine’s day being a part of it. Although presents are fun to get, does it get to a point where money actually does happiness?
Sophomore Harlee Dowd said, “I think money can buy happiness for some people, but not a lot of people. Some people just love money, so I think they lean towards money.” Junior Lucas Zimmerman agreed saying, “I think money can buy happiness because when I find something I want, I buy it and it makes me happy. For some people money is all they have so they just spend it to keep themselves occupied. I also think people lean more towards money because it gives them reasons to want to succeed, and with money you can do whatever you want with it.”
Although to some people money can buy you happiness, yet this isn’t the case for others. Senior Gabrielle Rodriguez said, “You need money in your future rather than spending it on random things. To some people money can make you happy but that money can lead to many different things in your future that are more important. I think people should rely on more important things rather than money because if you rely on money for the rest of your life, it could take you down the wrong path leading you to struggle more.”
When it comes to money, it can only bring happiness to a certain point but definitely has its limits.