Here at St. Louis High School, there was recently a new dance called the Winter Formal. Some people are asking people out or were asked to go as a date, while others went with friends. With Valentine’s Day coming up, it brings up the question: what is the best way to attend school dances?
Junior Harlee Dowd stated, “I would rather be asked out because I’d be way too nervous to ask someone out even if I wanted to.” Even though Dowd didn’t attend the Winter Formal, her opinion is important and it’s always best to see both sides. When it comes to Dowd wanting it to be asked out, she wouldn’t be able to choose. Dowd thinks that it would be fun to have both or either of them happen.
Sophomore Cora Zsigray stated, “I would rather be asked out because it is very awkward to ask someone out, and I get very nervous when asking people out. I would rather go as a friendship because it would be very uncomfortable if I went with someone I didn’t know well.” Zsigray did indeed go to the Winter Formal and she did so she could hang out with her friends and have a fun time doing so. Zsigray was most excited for the dance itself because she got to see her friends.
Senior Rebekah Ross stated, “I would rather be asked out to a dance. I’m not that creative, and I like the surprise of being asked out. I would rather go out with a relationship. I see people going as friends, and I totally understand why, I’ve just never gone as friends, only a relationship, so I prefer it.” Ross went to the Winter Formal and she had to go because of the student council so she could help out. She said she would’ve gone anyway because she likes dancing and it gives her an excuse to wear dresses.