With the start of the second semester, St. Louis High School juniors once again prepare to pick their classes for next year.
In an email sent out recently by counselor Terre Sura, juniors were asked to respond to a Google form by choosing their desired electives for the next school year. Certain senior classes are required, such as English and a math experience that can be either financial management or accounting.
When it comes to choosing classes, some juniors seem apprehensive such as Abby McCulley, who said, “I have struggled to get the classes I want. Even though in the end, I’m satisfied with what I’m given. I’m hopeful this year or at least trying to be, but I am a little nervous because I know they will be a challenge but honestly, I’m ready for it.” When it comes to advice for underclassmen hoping to pick out their classes in the future, McCulley further stated, “Don’t just pick a class because you think it’ll be an easy ‘A’ you wanna be up for a challenge. It is the only way you’ll get better and improve.”
On the other hand, some students have a more positive lookout. Junior Olivia Lane shared, “I have had pretty good luck when it comes to choosing classes. My schedule is simple. I think I will get the classes I want next year because I have a lot of empty space to fill with the classes I want. I’m not nervous because I think my schedule will be pretty easy. To underclassmen, I say take all the classes you need to graduate like foreign language and band/art as soon as you can and not wait till the last minute.”
When it comes to advice from seniors themselves, Rebekah Ross shared, “I would recommend taking as many dual classes as you can, even if you’re not going to college. I’m getting my senior math credit in half a semester because of dual. You can easily get some of your classes done in half the time, and to be honest, college classes aren’t that much harder than high school. It’s just taught differently and more independently. You are also getting college classes paid for so you’re saving money when it comes to college. Also, make sure to have some chill classes, and don’t stress yourself out too much with homework. It’s your last year, have some fun with your classes.”