The spirit of Christmas is seeping its way into the hearts of staff and students at St. Louis High School, and everyone is thinking ahead for the perfect gift for friends and family. Sometimes, a change in atmosphere can help bring the cheer, and English teacher Mrs. Kaiser agrees. In fact, students could have emailed her childhood memories to which might appear in a holiday display! There will be a sweet treat as a reward as well as the chance to enter a raffle.
This display will appear on the bulletin board inside the cafeteria with many photos. It is time for that bulletin board to get a makeover and show the excitement of the student body this year. This serves as a reminder to everyone that the time of year isn’t only a snowy landscape, but a time to enjoy family and participate in festivities with peers at the upcoming Christmas assembly.
This will help get students in the festive mood. Kaiser said, “Student Council always likes to decorate for the holidays. We used to do hallway and door decorating with Shark wars, but it is hard to make that happen when we don’t have an Advisory anymore to use to show that spirit. But the bulletin board was not our idea. Mrs. Russell was the one who came up with the idea and asked the student council to lead the charge.”
Even though she does not lead the student council, Russell had the idea when she was scrolling through Facebook, “The idea was when something popped up on my Facebook timeline of a memory of Tiger as a child on Christmas and it made me happy to see. I thought, ‘how fun would it be to see photos of other staff and students when they were younger on Christmas?’ Mrs. Kaiser does an amazing job with decorating with the student council, so I knew this would be the perfect task for her,” said Russell.
With the board getting a makeover, it shows that soon enough Christmas break will be here and the most festive time of the year will soon arrive. When seeing bright colors and happy things, the mind gets into the festive mindset in the Shark Tank as each student counts down the days to break once Thanksgiving break ends.
Kaiser concluded, “I think that any positive decorations bring joy to the school. But I ESPECIALLY love decorations that involve pictures of students. I believe it helps give a sense of belonging, so I really hope I get tons of students sending in pictures because we all have a place here at SLHS, and I would love for our walls to express that. We will of course still be doing our holiday spirit week leading up to break and our holiday assembly. Keep a lookout for other little fun things here and there throughout that week!”