St. Louis High School students in Mrs. Biehl’s classes went on a tour of Northwood University and its 61st annual car show on Friday, Oct. 4, 2024.
Each of Biehl’s classes left early in the morning and went to Midland to go to Northwood University. When students arrived, they received nametags and were led into the auditorium. When everyone was seated the president of Northwood, Kent MacDonald, and some other staff members introduced themselves and welcomed all of the classes to their campus. After that students from Northwood came onto the stage to introduce the car show, which was entirely student run. The audience took the opportunity to ask questions about what it’s like to be a college student.
After the presentation, each school was split into groups and sent off to explore and tour the campus. Students started inside the auditorium and were led to the common area and then the english, math, and automotive building. Inside the building the tour guides would explain the history and significance of the building. On the way to the dining hall, students got to see what the average dorm room would look like. When the tour ended at the dining hall, students were able to indulge in some of what the college had to offer, which according to Senior Damian Rosenberger was, “The best food I have ever eaten… I have never had cafeteria food so good that I’d want to go back.”
When students finished up with their food, they got to spend the rest of their time enjoying what the college had to offer for its 61st annual car show. They got to see all sorts of vehicles from rare Paganis to specialty vehicles like tanks, boats, and semi trucks. Senior Devanz Svelti-Cruz commenced that he, “Got to see some of the most interesting, intriguing, vehicles of my life. I loved sitting in each cool car.” One of the cars Svelti-Cruz sat in was a yellow Lexus, which was one of many different cars from many different car brands like; Toyota, Honda, Subaru, Ford, Chevy, Corvette, BMW, and many others.
All in all, SLHS students had a great time at the college getting to know more about college life as well as more about famous car brands.