The St Louis High School jazz students traveled to the Schnepps Health Care to put on a performance, May 16, 2024, and received a huge donation for the band.
At first, students were dismissed from the first hour, making time to walk towards the center and setting up in order to play. This is the first time the band ever received an invitation to perform at the Health Care, but the students gave it their all to put out a great show for the elderly. In the end, students packed up and walked back to the school, attending all of their afternoon classes. As this was the last jazz performance for the seniors, the students will never forget the memories they had with the upperclassmen.
Pianist and Senior Rachel Jewell shared her thoughts and opinion about the performance. According to Jewell, “It was definitely a bitter sweet performance in the sense that it would be my last time playing jazz with these people. During that time, I remember all the fun festivals we’ve been to and all of the pep band tunes we love to play. It was sad knowing I’ll never get to play some of the tunes again, but it was nice while it lasted. When it comes to college though, I don’t know if I’ll play jazz as it would just be a completely different atmosphere. The college I signed up for has more jazzier tunes than pop and rock songs.”
Junior and saxophonist Blake Ferman shared his thoughts about the performance. He stated, “I don’t think anything went wrong. I play most solos different each time, so there’s a lot of fun in that. Out of all our pieces, I would definitely choose to play Locked Out of Heaven again. It’s a favorite in our band and I think that it reflects really well when we play it.”
Although the Schnepps Jazz performance was the last one of the year, the band will come back with more tunes to play and more performers in the future.