SLHS home to Vape Nation??
SLHS student sucks on the end of a device charger to emulate the sensation of sucking a Juul.
April 18, 2019
St. Louis schools have been dealing with underage students vaping and Juuling not just out of school but also in school as well for a couple of years now, and it seems to just be getting worse. Students seem to find it “cool” to vape or Juul in school, and teachers are getting irritated about it.
“I feel like students choose to vape in school knowing that it is against the rules but want to give the persona of being “cool” and just trying to fit in. I just don’t get why someone would want to give the impersonation of doing something just to fit in that could eventually lead them to harder and more harmful drugs,” Mrs. Mckittrick stated.
“Students shouldn’t be vaping or Juuling at all let alone in school. This kind of behavior could potentially lead students down a road that they don’t want to be on,” Mr. Hemker explained.
Students also seem addicted to the conversation about this major epidemic. Aidan Fisher said, “People that vape during school aren’t making the right choices, and they do it at school because they feel like they are less likely to get caught there instead of at home. I feel like a rough estimate of 30 students vape or Juul during school hours and about ⅓ of the students in the school vape or Juul outside of school.”
Adding to that, Aidan Gurnee stated, “They shouldn’t be doing that in school because it is already illegal for their age plus it is bad for them. Those people are just setting themselves up to be caught and sent to jail, get out on probation, and ruin their lives.”
St. Louis and other schools are dealing with this issue and probably will be for years to come. Yet, the question stands, will this epidemic be resolved or will America become a Vape Nation?