Homecoming week is quickly approaching at St. Louis High School and many activities will be happening throughout the week.
Homecoming was created in 1911 to create a time for alumni and students to assemble in their hometowns to show the community their support. Students are in for a busy week, and they all have different opinions on their favorite Homecoming activities. The schedule for the week is as follows: Monday- Powderpuff at 6 P.M., Tuesday- Volleybuff at 7 P.M., Thursday- Movie Night at 7 P.M., Friday- Homecoming Parade at 5:30 P.M. and Homecoming Game at 6:30 P.M., Saturday- Legends volleyball game 8 A.M. and Homecoming dance 8-11 P.M.
The students of SLHS were quick to share their opinions on what their favorite homecoming activity is. Junior Brynn Saxton stated, “Spirit days would have to be my favorite part of the week. We get to dress outside of our comfort zone, and I like getting to see everyone’s outfits.” Additionally, Lauren Devine explained, “My favorite part of Homecoming is the game. I like standing in the student section with my classmates and cheering on the team. A close second would go to getting ready for pictures though.” Senior Charlie Lyon shared, “My favorite part of Homecoming is the parade. I enjoy throwing candy to the kids, and it’s always a plus if I hit them.”
For a larger range of votes, the Shark Scene put out a poll on favorite homecoming activities. According to the poll, 62 percent of people were excited for Spirit Week/Homecoming assembly, 28 percent couldn’t wait for the dance, seven percent were excited about the game, and three percent of people were most excited about the parade. With that being said, it is unanimously decided that spirit week and the Homecoming assembly are the most popular Homecoming events at SLHS.
Students can find out their favorite part of Homecoming by participating in all of the activities this week!