Face of optimism at SLHS: Mrs. Cahoon!
Mrs. Cahoon helps a student with their problems.
November 19, 2018
Mrs. Cahoon is a beloved face at St. Louis High School. She has been a counselor here for three years here, and she has helped countless students along the way.
Cahoon went to college at Spring Arbor University to obtain her undergraduate and graduate degrees. She taught at Shepherd Elementary for around ten years. After that position, she was the Shepherd High School counselor for four and a half years. She then received the job as school counselor here. “I decided to take the job here at SLHS because in talking to lots of people about the position, every single person had awesome things to say about the students, staff, administration and community. I knew I wanted to be a part of it,” she commented.
Mrs. Cahoon has many job duties here at the high school. Some of these include counseling students with personal needs, helping students choose classes, sending transcripts, and organizing advanced placement class testing. She also helps students with dual enrollment courses, college and career planning, and schedule changes. These are just a select few of the jobs that she completes while here. Ms. Cahoon also works on many other things the school needs her to help with.
Additionally, Cahoon is a very active person in her free time. “I love to crossfit, compete in powerlifting, run, play soccer, and watch my children and husband compete in their many activities. I also love to spend time with my extended family and travel whenever possible,” she said. She makes sure to keep busy and exercise while she does so.
At St. Louis High School, Cahoon is a friendly and helpful face who has a great love for her community. “I love being a St. Louis Shark and helping students and staff in any way I can.”