Voting and St. Louis high school students
SLHS student researches candidates in the election.
November 9, 2018
St. Louis High School students 18 or older voted in the midterm elections Tuesday, Nov. 6, 2018. Many of these students were first-time voters. Possible polling places included the Pine River Township Hall, the Alma Library, and St. Louis City Hall, among others. It all depends on where the voter lives.
According to Taryn Mroczek, “I voted at the Pine River Township Hall and it was a great experience! I was happy and excited to participate and be active and play my part in politics!”
Before voting, one needs to go to the Secretary of State and request to register to vote. After filling out some paperwork, the citizen will get a confirmation that they were registered in the mail in a couple weeks.
When voting, one walks into the polling building and shows the officials their identification. Then, they have the option to vote electronically on a tablet or on paper. After the voter fills out their ballot, if it’s on paper, they feed it into a machine that counts their vote.
Natalie Benbow said, “I voted at the Alma library, and at first I was nervous because I thought the process would be difficult. After experiencing the voting process, it was easy. I was excited to finally have an opportunity to have an effect on my country. I encourage all who can vote to vote because all votes help.”
Voting was a unique experience for all SLHS students.