Noah Bobzien
Senior Bethany Bowerman shows her book preference while reading in the library.
Students at Saint Louis High School are debating this popular opinion: which is better, physical or online books?
There are many pros and cons when it comes to physical vs online books. Online books allow access to many books all on one device while physical books let you read anywhere without the worry of the internet. Each is a good way to read, but students are wondering which one they should buy. Today this question will be answered.
Some people prefer physical books like senior Rebekah Ross who stated, “I prefer physical books over digital, it doesn’t hurt my eyes as badly, and I like the feeling of the pages more. I also really enjoy the covers of physical books over the digital. Even though I think people are starting to lean more towards e-books for the convenience of being able to read anywhere, I still think physical books are better for people. You don’t have the blue light of the computer or phone blaring at you, and I noticed that I, myself, learn better from a physical book.”
On the other hand, students are also aware of the utility of e-book. Junior Lillian Billings stated, “I like both, but if I had to choose, probably online because it’s more convenient to carry with me because it’s on my phone. I think nowadays people are leaning more towards online because the physical copies are starting to get expensive. Online is more helpful because if you’re in a rush you can just listen to the audio version”
Overall, students are pretty mixed on this question. Each person reads in their own way, therefore the type of book they read also is based on one’s opinion. Overall, both are really good ways to spend time. It all comes down to personal preference.